Memorial Dedication


President Bartlett speaks at the Memorial Bench Dedication, June 13, 1922.

The next event on the Centennial Day schedule was more somber in nature. Leading up to the Centennial, many in the Hobart community had commented on the lack of a memorial for the Hobart men who gave their lives during World War I. The Hobart administration, Board of Trustees, and those on the various Centennial committees set an additional fundraising goal—this time to raise the funds necessary to erect just such a memorial.

Initial plans were for a bronze plaque to be installed on the wall in the Chapel; however, the idea was proposed to instead construct a bench in the space between Trinity and Geneva Halls with the names of the 16 Hobart men who died in service of their country during the World War.

The funds were raised without difficulty, the memorial was built, and the dedication took place at 5:00 PM in front of a large crowd. Rev. John B. Hubbs gave a brief invocation before Lewis W. Gracey ’19 read the names of the 16 men aloud. Mandeville J. Barker ’13, who had received the Distinguished Cross for gallantry under fire, then presented the memorial to President Bartlett. Addresses were then given by President Bartlett—who had spent time in service in Europe during the War—and Bishop Brent.