Children's Theater 1953 - 1974

Children's Theater

HWS Children's Theater began as a subsection of The Little Theater with Paul Berkowsky's honors English project in 1953 and continued producing shows on and off for the next 20 years. Starting with Rumpelstiltskin, each show had a small cast that often doubled as crew and a small portable set that could be toured around the state in a rented van or trailer. Each show premiered in Geneva before traveling to up to 40 towns around the area to perform for school children.

The Theater gave upperclassmen an opportunity to direct a full-length show while giving underclassmen their first on-stage roles. Many of the leaders of HWS Children's Theater went on to work in theater or education. The Theater also helped to strengthen the relationship between the Colleges, Geneva, and the surrounding towns. The shows provided children with easy access to theater, exposing them to an art not always available in rural areas.