Chapel Tower
This drawing represents an alternative design for a tower to connect St. John's Chapel with Demarest Hall. In this design by Kaelber and Waasdorp Architects the tower would have been shorter than the present St. Mark's Tower and would not include the tall spire that St. Mark's is known for today. The drawing is dated 1950, 11 years before the construction of St. Mark's Tower in 1961.
The Kaelber and Waasdorp design for a tower to connect St. John's Chapel with Demarest Memorial Library was to be constructed as part of a larger campus plan called the Forward Program. The Forward Program was a large fundraising campaign begun in 1949 that resulted in the construction of Lansing Hall, the new chemistry building. This design for a tower appears on the "Proposed Plan of Development - Hobart and William Smith Colleges" printed in the 1950 Echo of the Seneca yearbook and included in this exhibit.